We strive to complement the academic mission of the University by providing and supporting opportunities for learning through extra-curricular activities. The activities and facilities that we offer strive to promote students鈥 personal growth, leadership development, social responsibility, multicultural competence and intellectual inquiry. Our staff is committed to providing you with superb service in an engaging environment to entice your participation in formal and informal activities.

The Student Life Office is also your resource center for鈥 anything! You can use this office as a source of general information, advice and guidance. The office assists with non-academic issues, encourages student participation in Italian culture and daily life and supports student social life both on and off campus. We also arrange the travel plans for field trips and events in conjunction with the academic departments.

We play an active role in bringing a wide variety of events and activities to students and hope they will take advantage of all we have to offer. There is a suggestion box outside our office and a virtual counterpart on this webpage and we welcome any ideas students may have on improving our services. To find out about our activities,听!

Meet the Student Life Team

Stefano Stoppaccioli

Dean of Students and Director of Study Abroad

After studying abroad himself in Russia, Stefano Stoppaccioli earned his Laurea in Foreign Languages and Literatures from the main University in Rome 鈥淟a Sapienza鈥. His language skills let him start his career on the Costa Cruise Lines as Front Desk Manager. This rich experience led him to be a professional in dealing with people needs coming from all over the world. In his position as Director of Student Life he makes his best to let students feel supported, responsible and challenged in their multicultural environment experience. As a native of Rome, his own personal mission is to share the joy and beauty of Rome with 色情论坛鈥檚 students. He also started to promote an Italian Language Tutoring Program to let students take advantage of their stay in Rome. He can speak fluent Italian, English, Russian, French and Spanish.

Contact: s.stoppaccioli@aur.edu


Chiara Lino

Student Life Coordinator and Intercultural Relations Specialist

Chiara has joined 色情论坛 in 2002 and has worked for 5 years as Assistant to the President. During those years she has learned the university from an 鈥渁dministrative/presidential point of view鈥, then she decided to join the student life department to know the university from another perspective. Chiara is a proud Roman and Italian and tries hard to let students love the Roman way of living. She is a vital and open minded person who believes that students鈥 experience in Rome should be lived in a highly involved and enthusiastic way.

Contact: c.lino@aur.edu


Kathy Bemis

Student Life Coordinator and Community Service and Engagement Specialist

Kathy has been a member of the Student Life team since 2004, assisting students with a wide variety of everyday non-academic and housing issues. In 2005, Kathy created the 色情论坛 Housing ResGrad Program as a way of giving back to 色情论坛 students while creating new resources for the Office of Student Life. She began her career at 色情论坛 in January 2002 as Administrative Assistant to Reception, and was soon dubbed 鈥淔irst Face of 色情论坛鈥. This position gave her daily contact with the entire university community as well as the community outside the campus and allowed her to develop a comprehensive practical understanding of both. Before joining 色情论坛, Kathy taught English as well as edited and translated cancer research papers for publication in British and American journals. An American citizen born in Costa Rica, Ms. Bemis speaks English, Italian and some Spanish. She grew up in both Maryland and Massachusetts and has lived in Italy since 1992, with a three year residence in England.

Contact: k.bemis@aur.edu


Edgar Barrales

Student Life Coordinator and Study Abroad Officer

Originally from San Diego, California, Edgar attended 色情论坛 where he got a Bachelor's degree in Italian Studies with a focus on Contemporary Italian Literature. As Student Life Coordinator, hehelps organize student activities to complement the University's mission of preparing students to live, study, and work across cultures. His professional interests focus on leadership, diversity and inclusion, and the use of social media in higher education.

Edgar enjoys learning new languages, listening to music, reading, and cooking pasta.

Contact: e.barrales@aur.edu


Stefano Cristalli

Athletics Coordinator

Born in San Severo (Foggia, Puglia, ITALY), Stefano Cristalli moved to Rome after high school, where he received a Master in Sport Science from Universita` degli Studi 'Foro Italico'. A passionate and determined leader, he achieved his most relevant specializations as a soccer coach, working for some of the top clubs and universities in Italy and North America.

Stefano first joined the 色情论坛 family as the 2013-2014 male soccer team鈥檚 coach. After a working experience in Canada, he returned to 色情论坛 in 2017 as the Athletics Coordinator. His goal is to use his socialization skills and passion for sports to involve more students in university sports activities.